Monday, 6 March 2023

February 2023

 I apologize for the paucity of January’s blog, and this one will be little better.  This is a result of having travelled to Tahiti and French Polynesia for 3 weeks.  The good news is that I finally got that blog published:  you can check it at

After basking in the sun, we returned to our regular February regimen of fog/cloud with at least half the month with overcast skies.

Temperatures weren’t bad, and we only got 3 ½” snow during the month, so we are out of the worst of it.

The first signs of spring are approaching!  I heard my first red-winged blackbird on February 13, and by the 20th I had three at my feeders.  The other normal visitors made their rounds.

Unusually for the Okanagan, we had some fantastic displays of northern lights.  Here I have to feature the work of another photographer, Trent Fischer, since sleep claims us at that time of day.

Hopefully next month will have more to feature!

Thanks for visiting!

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