Sunday, 6 August 2017

Sunday, Aug 6 Update

All of the talk is about the wildfires in BC, and we are seeing more smoke all the time.

Our view from the front door when we arrived……..

Our view from the front door this afternoon……..

The fire hazard is extreme because this area has had no rain since June 20.  The first level of water rationing has been set in effect, which so far limits when people can water their lawns.

Our tiny patio is wonderful—we sit out every morning and then late afternoon—to be entertained by baby chipmunks and hummingbirds.

There are several kinds of hummingbirds here—Black-chinned, Calliope, Rufous and Anna’s.

When we arrived, there was furious activity at our hosts’ two large feeders.  I eventually got a little one of my own, but by that time, all of the males had disappeared to go south.  

Nonetheless, I got a decent picture of a female black-chinned, who was subsequently joined by a female calliope.

Five days ago, the females and youngsters emptied my little feeder in one day.  Two days later, they all disappeared.  Rats!

No luck in finding the dream home yet, after going through 128 listings, visiting two more places and driving by 3.  However, our landlords have just assured us that we can have our little apartment for September, which helps take off the pressure.  Bells will ring and whistles will sound when the right place comes along.

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