Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Two Days R&R in Regina

After driving around 2600 km in 5 days, we took a couple of days off in Regina to visit Brian’s brother and sister-in-law, Dave and Val.

You couldn’t have pictured different weather than what we had experienced in Ontario.  Both days were sunny, with highs of 31C and 34C.

On Sunday, Dave and Val took us for a walk along Regina Beach, about a 45-minute drive north of Regina.  There really was a big lake!  And lovely sandy beaches.  And the place was hopping with visitors.

Apparently, the iconic place was the Blue Bird Café which sold fish and chips.  Of course we had to stop and partake.

The next day, while Dave and Val worked, we rode our bikes around Wascana Lake, a beautiful parkland in the south-central section of Regina, near the university.  

There were a number of major sights, like the Regina Parliament Building (reminding me very much of that in Edmonton) and the Queen’s gardens.

Canadian geese were all over the place, and we got to see some youngsters in flight training, running along the ground flapping their wings, and almost (but not quite) getting airborne.

When it is 344C and you are cycling, Wascana Park becomes a bit of a cyclist's dream, because they have sprinklers everywhere.  We thought that was wonderful, but the poor gal in the picture shrieked every time one hit her.

Now I have to explain a bit of what is normal in Western Canada.  After a good crop of tent caterpillars, you are going to get the moths.

And you can get lots of them.

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