Tuesday, 4 April 2023

March 2023


The Weather, of course

Was March the month where it was supposed to start roaring like a lion and ending baahing like a lamb?  Nobody told us here.  The month began with lots of snow on the ground which slowly started diminishing, only to be topped up by 2 ¾” of new snow on March 24.  Cooler temperatures have kept that icing on the cake.  March was supposed to be a cooler and drier month than normal, but we are still sitting on snow pack that is 124% larger than normal (or more, depending on the expert.)

Thus we are now enjoying typical post-March paranoia.  Will the snow melt swiftly and cause flooding?  Will the snow melt slowly and hopefully get more water left in the ground?  Does this mean an early or late start to the fire season?  And for heaven’s sake, when are we going to see spring flowers?!.....

Signs of Spring

We have had more signs of spring from the bird world, with the following birds back:  Red-Tailed Hawk, Turkey Vulture, Say’s Phoebe, Mountain Bluebird, and, of course, robins.  With all the snow still on the ground on the mountain, we had to descend into Osoyoos to walk along the waterfront.  They have a lovely park which is immaculately tended by volunteer gardeners, and there we could finally see the first spring flowers and the fountain flowing.

Spring is at least two weeks later than usual because we normally see the first cherry blossoms at the end of this month, but they are still huddled into buds.

We continued to have roof avalanches almost daily, because the sun is getting warmer and melting more of the snow on the roof.  However, even that progress is gradual and you can see the line of icicles marking each day’s progress.

 A Quilt is Born

Generally, I can guarantee it will take me a minimum of two years to complete a quilt, but I accomplished a miracle this month after only 4 ½ weeks of work.  My friend, Suzanne, will be undergoing somewhat complicated abdominal surgery in the middle of April, and I wanted her to have something to please her while she experiences the need for post-surgical naps.  She had unwittingly chosen the colours, and the result turned out to be quite pretty.

The Game Camera Failed Again

In the middle of March, Brian had occasion to inspect one side of the driveway near the garage, and found a set of cougar tracks  The foot pads cover an area of about 4” by 4 ½”, but by the time you consider the fur around the pads you get tracks that are more like 6”x6”.  Needless to say, the game camera was monitoring activity far from the site.  Another cool set of tracks for us to admire!

Neighbourhood Excitement

Early in the last week of March, we got a text from a neighbour warning us about some thieves in the area.  In talking to her, she mentioned having a truck come down their driveway part way, and then backing up.  Then it went to a building site next door.  Our neighbours thought little of it until 6:30 am the next day, when they saw the truck driving into the building site and parking.  Then two men in hoodies left the truck and returned a few minutes later carrying boxes.  Craig got some good pictures of the truck including the license plate and called the RCMP.  By late afternoon we got the word that the thief had been apprehended.  A SWAT team had been deployed because the truck pictures showed evidence of a firearm.  It turns out the 39 year old suspect was on parole, and he was the son of the local ex-mayor.  The lot next to the one hit was also burgled.  In each of the three cases (the neighbour and the two lots next to them) were all displaying building permits, and apparently are more vulnerable as a result.  Fortunately, we escaped without any trouble.

Hopefully April will provide more interesting pictures of spring if it ever comes.

Thanks for visiting!