The weather--naturally
November has come and gone and we still have no snow on the
ground so it can’t be winter yet--really?
The ski hills have been opening up regardless since there is more snow
to the north of us. We’ll wait a bit
until the base gets a little deeper.
Despite the lack of snow, we have been getting typical
winter conditions for this time of year.
Although the lowest temperature has been a little below minus twelve, we
have received very little frost because of the low humidity.
We have already had a couple of our winter fogs that
envelope the house completely.
The side benefit of fog, in contrast to the terrible driving
conditions, is that we do get hoar frost, which highlights some of the cobwebs
on the exterior of the house.
If the fog doesn’t rise up to the level of our house, we get
to enjoy it from above while it fills the valley.
We have enjoyed some really spectacular sunsets this winter,
and it is very easy to stay up for them since the sun set at 4:03 pm on
November 30.
You would think that winter would be marked by the stoppage of the fountain at the waterfront. NOT! The Santa Claus Parade was held on November 29 and the fountain was still running despite the icicles.
Snooping on the neighbours
I have mentioned in previous blogs our fascination with
people building below us down the hill.
Summer featured numerous blastings of rock. This was followed by huge rearrangements of
rocks, including trucking out at least 100 heavy truckloads of blasted
This last week a huge piece of equipment was moved back to
the site and numerous truckloads of sand were delivered.
We had to check it out!
The rock hill has been hollowed out, and sand established for the
foundation of the house. Down the slope
you can see the huge amounts of rock tumbled over the edge.
In our (often) idle moments we ponder how much the blasting,
excavation, removal of rocks, and delivery of sand has cost. This is without even starting to build the
house! (And they had a well drilled, electricity brought in, and will have to
arrange for septic before they even get a building permit…) A little fixing up on our property looks
positively benign in comparison!
The Saga of the Game Camera
While we were in Ontario last month, someone snitched our
game camera. The most likely suspects
were a survey crew who worked on the neighbour’s property during that time,
because it wasn’t in any obvious view.
After grumping for a couple of weeks, I relented and bought a new one.
The pictures seem good and clear, and we got a couple of surprising
ones featuring birds (stellar jay and woodpecker).
The deer cooperated by moving by nicely
although the darn stag first stopped on the patio to try eating my plants.
The deer decided to prove that we didn’t need the game
camera so we got some great shots from the bedroom windows over the last couple
of days.
Brian is Improving
After being taken off the immunotherapy drug, he is starting
to regain energy, appetite and better sleep.
This will take a while to get back to fighting trim because he is a
svelte 156 pounds (maybe 25 more than me) and he is working hard to ensure I
don’t pick him up in a fireman’s carry and force him to do housework.
We’re looking forward to December and the festivities and hope
you do too!