Instead of this.....
Aaron had started from the bottom (you have seen a preliminary picture in the last blog).
He put in a patio and designed edging, plants and rocks to give it a more interesting look.
On the south side of the house, we have a deck leading off from the main bedroom.
Aaron has put in steps, a path, more landscaping, and.....
a gurgler!
This is a pondless water feature just beside our coffee deck, and we can hear the water all day. The stone is big; it's about 2 1/2 feet high and 2 1/2 feet in diameter, and the water splashes and travels down almost all sides, showing the neat colours in the rock. We figure it is just a matter of ttime before the deer figure out there is a drinking fountain here.
The plants are all drought-resistant and will need virtually no care, and there are some really interesting gnarly cacti amongst the group.
Several of the cacti have bloomed this year, and will probably be very attractive for the next one. They can grow to be several feet tall, so they are probably of great protective value as well.
If you haven't heard already, I broke my ankle in two places near the end of our trip in Greenland, and just had surgery to get the bones pinned three days ago. It's been uncomfortable, but I hope to have the presence of mind over the next few days to get the Greenland trip posted. I will let you know here when that blog is updated.
Cheers for now!