Regrettably, Nature has been extremely bountiful in less welcome creatures. The mosquitoes are the worst we can remember in years, and the black flies are out as well. Normally, we would have our morning coffee out on the balcony, away from the grass, but even that is fruitless. Thus, ANY activities outside include full hazmat protection.
About 10 days ago, I received two baby squirrels within hours of one another. Unfortunately, one died, but the other was doing extremely well, and needed buddies to learn how to be a real squirrel. I called one center and we arranged a reciprocal trade agreement. They took mine to bundle it with others of its age, and in the meantime they gave me 7 younger ones! The picture below is not great, but I will get better ones once I get caging sorted out. The next week is going to be busy with full-scale construction.
Feeding all seven at once is truly three ring circus, but at the moment they are still teenagers who take the good food into the box to eat in bed, and they sleep a lot. Still, one of them started playing race rodent this morning and will soon get a taste for lots of running and hopping.
We made the decision to take our house off the market after two years of trying to sell unsuccessfully. We found that the place that had everything we were looking for was the one we were already living in!
Thus, we started clearing out junk that should be taken away rather than merely hidden, and today was a gangbuster day.
Finally, clogging lessons end this week for a 3 month break. Some of us volunteered to demonstrate in a couple of sessions for our instructor to promote her classes and find new students. We were in an outdoors venue, dancing on 4 sheets of 4x8 plywood, which was a little confined for 10 women! Friends showed up and took some pictures, and I was a bit surprised to see that I was the white-haired lady in the crew. Ah, well, at least I am still dancing.
I will post as soon as the squirrel cage construction is in good shape--stay tuned!